
May 04, 2010

Know Your Own Hair

There are many types of hair :

Normal Hair...
For whom own this type of hair, your hair will look shiny and smooth whenever it has been touch. This type of hair is also do not risen a lot of oil so that you no need to worry because it was easy to take care. You don;t have to wash your hair everyday. For this type of hair, you need to use soft shampoo and conditioner. Luckily, you don't need variety of hair product because it's just a balanced diet as basic for you to take care of this hair.

Oily Hair....
It such difficult thing to deal with this hair if you are a busy person. Oily hair always pull in the dust into your hair. So, you need to wash your hair everyday to prevent it looks unlively. Your hair will be lasting for about one-two days after washing and after that your hair start to produce oil and will ruined your personality. Oil production on your head skin also can be contribute by your emotional like if you are in stress or illness. Use the conditioner at the end of your hair but not on top of your hair. It is because the conditioner will make your hair produce more and more oil!

Dry Hair...
Dry hair will look dry and branch at the end of hair. Besides, dry hair have a lot of electric static. You can feel your hair is rough. It will be more trouble if your hair not strong and easy broken. Other than that, your hair will look unfold and hard to manage. Remember! You will need washing with conditioner, IT'S A MUST!. It is important for you to save your hair from hair dryer and hair iron because it can make your hair more dryer than before.

Combination Hair....
This two combination of oily and dry hair. Usually, this type of hair will be oily on the top and dry at the end. Person that will have this problem is usually person with long hair. It is important for you to use soft conditioner but only use at the end of the hair. Always go to saloon to trim your hair at the end to prevent branches.

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