
May 20, 2010

High Heels Can Kill You!

Women and fashion can't be separated. Some women like are fashionable till they are willing to spend too much money only to get latest fashion!

Although, fashion can effect our health also can cause several diseases which will bother our life.
Especially high heels, it's an accessories that must have in every women. Variety of design, color and brand with different prices selling in different places. High heels gives pressure to your knee and study have been made by Foot Orthopedic Association A.S. Obviously stated that a women who wear high heels about 3 cm will increase the pressure on the knee till 26%.

This situation will take osteoporosis and joint disease. In fact, it can effect your foot nail, swollen foot finger become inflammation, can cause illness on your bottom and inflammation on tendon that can lead to illness on shoulder, knee, elbow,wrist and ankle.

To avoid this disease, the association suggest to all women to wear high  heels not more than 2 cm and the duration of wearing is not more than 3 hours straight.

According to the study made in London, wearing high heels will make women looks stylish but it also spoiled the chances to have a child.

The style of imbalance standing with high heels with 12.7 cm can effect to inner organ and women fertility.
It was shocked that certain design of high heels can cause falling hair. It happens because hip position were trying to be push to the front, stomach moves to front, raise the situation that a lot of women thinks it's 'big stomach'.

The situation clogged up inner organ in the condition that was called visceroptosis and it can effect your neck, back, shoulder, headache and falling hair.

Visceroptosis is a situation which usually attack women who wear corset or bandage but now it meet its new 'victim' which made the foot as the target.

In the same case, wearing high heels can also cause fertility problem and haid circulation and upper body function.
Besides high heels, handbag also can effect your health especially the big and heavy one because it can cause the pressure to bones.

Bone specialist obtain that the things in the handbag will gives pressure to shoulder bones simultaneously gives illness to the muscle on one side of the body.

The pressure will bring effect to the bottom and shoulder. To prevent it, you can try use shoulder bag which can fit in all things in balance on the two shoulders.

If you still don't want to change the style, try to shift the string of the bag to prevent the muscle illness on one shoulder.

One of the way that can help to standing straight is when wearing handbag and sometimes relax your shoulder like put your handbag down for a while.

Source : Harian Metro

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